Smilar Issues: 11 Record Found
Investigation on Diagnosis and Metabolic Profile of Ovarian Cysts in Dairy Cows
Pages 579-586 DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2017.17394

The Assessment of Diagnostic and Ultrasonographic Findings in a Bitch with True Vaginal Prolapse
Pages 843-846 DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2017.17721

A Study on Observation of Respiratory Ultrasound Plethysmography in Donkeys
Pages 797-801 DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2017.17760

Ultrasound Evaluation of Negative Energy Balance-Induced Fatty Liver in Sheep
Pages 887-893 DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2017.17932

The Correlations Between Mean Echogenicity and Laboratory Findings of Superficial Swellings in 50 Dairy Cows
Pages 545-550 DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2018.19531

Ultrasonografical Monitoring as Diagnostic Tool for Reproductive Management in Female Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
Pages 577-582 DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2018.19641

Ultrasonographic Examination of Sea Turtle Eyes (Caretta caretta and Chelenoidas mydas)
Pages 521-524 DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2019.23805

Biceps Tendon Rupture in Two Beetal Goats
Pages 149-153 DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2021.26483

Effect of Different Litter Size on The Rate of Postpartum Uterine Involution in Hu Sheep
Pages 275-280 DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2021.26965

Breeding Soundness Evaluation in Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) Males: A Long Retrospective Study of the Effects of Cystic Masses and Environmental Temperatures on Scrotal Measures
Pages 99-107 DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2022.28505

The Effect of Systemic Hypertension on Prostatic Arterial Hemodynamics in Dogs with Benign Prostate Hyperplasia
Pages 27-32 DOI : 10.9775/kvfd.2024.32734