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Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
2024 , Vol 30 , Issue 5
Correlation Between Body Measurements of Gazella marica Fawns After Weaning and Estimating Body Weight From These Measurements
11The University of Bursa Uludag, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Science, TR-16059 Bursa - TÜRKİYE
This study aims to find out for the first time the change in body measurements of
gazelle fawns from birth to weaning and the estimation of live weight based on body
measurements (BW, BL, CC, CD, AC, SH) of a total of 42 fawns, 17 female and 25 male,
taken after birth, and a total of 30 fawns, 15 female and 15 male, were taken after weaning.
Weighings were made with electronic scales. Measurements were made with a 150 cm
strip measure. At the end of the 165-day suckling period, female fawns gained an average
live weight of 8.07 kg and male fawns gained an average live weight of 9.17 kg. There is
no statistical difference between the measurements at birth and the body measurements
after weaning depending on gender (P>0.05). In general, the highest correlation (0.910)
according to body measurements is between chest circumference and body weight
(P<0.01). In male fawns, body weight can be predicted by chest circumference at a rate
of 89% (P<0.01). In female fawns body weight can be predicted by shoulder height and
chest circumference at rate of 79% (P<0.01). By selecting breeding individuals based
on the high correlations and prediction values investigated in this study we can ensure
faster genetic progress in a gazelle herd.
Keywords :
Gazella marica, Correlations, Estimating body weight, Body measurements, Body weight, Weaning